

Tech Trends in Hotel Industry------Robotics & IoT

The hotel industry is experiencing a recovery after being hit by the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic.Report shows there are 6 major trends that hotel is embracing cutting-edge technology, artificial intelligence, biometrics/facial recognition, robotics, voice activation, wearable technology, virtual reality, driverless transportation and smart hotel design

  A branch of computer science and engineering, robotics deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots.

  Hotel’s top uses for robotics:

  •Room cleaned by a robot

  •Greeted or served by a robot

  For full-scale adoption in the hotel industry, however, experts say robots will need to be infused with artificial intelligence.Some research indicates that the material impact of AI-enhanced automation will affect nearly half of all industries in the next 20 years.For hoteliers, that could mean robots that not only greet guests, but demonstrate the capability to learn their needs and preferences during the course of their stay.The real value of robots likely won’t be greater savings or reduced errors;it’s the potential to deliver unmatched experiences that differentiate the hotel brand and increase guest loyalty.

  •41%of consumers said robots being used for cleaning would enhance their experience.22%would visit more often if hotels offered this service.

  •33%of consumers said robots being used for greeting and serving guests would enhance their experience.Only 22%would visit more often if hotels offered this service.

  In the post-pandemic era,with rising labor costs,contactless delivery and increasing demand for intelligence,indoor distribution robots are becoming more and more widely used in various scenarios,New Rock hotel VoIP solutions help delivery robots to communicate with customers more quickly and intelligently.

  Application scenario

  With the hotel robot system cloud server connects with hotel OM devices, when customers ordered room service or food, the robot would make a phone call to the customer and play the pickup code by voice when delivering the goods to the customer's room.

  Solution Value

  1.At the same time support NAT traversal service for multi-site networking

  2.Connect to hotel LAN and PSTN

  3.Convenient deployment

  4.Centralized operation and maintenance on New Rock UMS cloud

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