

Vietnam NEC PABX Replacement

Customer Background

Customers company located in Vietnam with hundreds of staff in several branches, are currently using a digital PABX and analog phones, due the business growing, they want to upgrade the current system, with recording features and video meeting, soft-phone functions, the old system could not fulfill these requirements, the customer want to replace the old one with a whole new VoIP system.

Customer Requirement
1.Replace the NEC PABX
2.Keep some analog phones
3.Access to carrier ISDN
4.Recording on some extensions and recording files management
5. Mobile extension for sales team and on-site tech support staff
6.Connect to the company fax
7.Replace the old phones with IP Phones and video phones
8.Video meeting from the desktop phone terminals

9.Networking with remote branches

New Rock Solution
1. Deploy OM1000-TE digital trunk gateway with 1/2/4 E1 port connect to carrier PSTN
2. Deploy OM1000-UC IP PBX connect to the digital trunk gateways and 200 set of IP Phones
3. Deploy several set of MX8G VoIP gateways with FXS and FXO port connect to the legacy analog phones and fax machines
4. Deploy New Rock Recording management software RMS to collect and manage recording files generated from the extension.
5. Build NewLync team for video conference, and bind the staff NewLync account with extension number to enable mobile extensions
6. High-end video IP phones for executives to join meeting from the desktop phone

7. NAT Traversal service for multi-site networking

Customer Value
1. Seamless migration and quick deployment in 3 workdays, New Rock global support team provide remote assistant from the cloud platform
2. Batch configuration on the NRP IP Phones
3. Easy to expand, OM1000-UC IP PBX is licensed controlled, customer can expand the extension without replace the PBX hardware
4. Unified communication, with HD video meeting and mobile extension to have phone calls anytime and anywhere
5. Multi-site networking with NAT Traversal service to turn the long distance call into internal calls and save cost on phone bills

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