

How is VoIP different from a traditional telephone system?

VoIP works differently from a conventional fixed-line telephone system.

A traditional telephone system uses circuit-switched methods to connect calls. When a call is made over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), the user is connected to someone on the other end and they are connected to the user over the circuit.

The "circuit switching" tech has now been in use for over 100 years. It is reliable and still works, but it is not the most efficient or cost effective.

VoIP has switched to using the "packet switching" method. This means that data is sent only when it is needed. A short, instant connection is established each time you speak. The connection does not need to be bi-directional all the time. The user and the person talking to the user do not usually speak at the same time.

In addition, packets of data are sent very efficiently. They can use many different paths through the Internet. When the packets reach their destination, they are reassembled.

Packets can also be compressed to save space. This allows them to travel faster over the Internet.

All this happens very quickly. Unless there is a problem with the user's internet connection, the user will not notice any delay in the call.

Although VoIP sounds technical and complex, the main thing to understand is that VoIP is a more efficient way to transfer data during a call.

Users may have used VoIP before without realizing it through applications such as Skype or Google Voice.

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