

New Rock VoIP Partner with AI service for Hotel Banking Retail Industry

  AI has a unstoppable trend in 21st century,many high tech industry is embracing the change,as well as the VoIP solution vendor.New Rock has partnered with domestic cutting edge AI solution expert,to provide customers smarter,faster and easier solution.

  The New Rock AI intelligent telephone interaction solution not only has traditional telephone function and IMS telephone network interface,but also integrates IP telephony,recording,call center,and other devices together.

  It also improves the recognition rate of voice robot and realizes zero loss of recording through voice processing,network disconnection caching,and discontinuous transmission.

  Improve recording quality inspection efficiency by more than 10 times

  Many fields such as hotline service,banking,securities and insurance,government management, mandatory required to do quality inspection and analysis of phone recordings,AI phone recording quality control software can automatically convert recording files to text and filters keywords.Quality inspectors can quickly"read the recording"by browsing the text content,which greatly improves the work efficiency.For specific industries,sensitive word alerts can be set by the system.

  Automatically answer 80%of customer inquiries

  When a customer makes a call to the center,the intelligent robot communicates directly with the customer in accordance with the specified communication context,and can answer more than 80%of common questions.

  The remaining questions are automatically transferred to human customer service for answers.This all-voice based,robot-plus-manual dialogue will gradually replace button-based manual phone service,bringing a more convenient experience to customers,while also saving more than 50%of manpower for companies and providing round-the-clock service.

Customer-centric, focus on customer value

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